Speciality Areas :

  • A dispute is a disagreement, conflict, or argument between two or more parties or individuals, typically arising from differences in opinions, interests, rights, or claims.

    Disputes can occur in various contexts, including legal, business, family, personal, or interpersonal relationships. They often require resolution or negotiation to reach a mutually acceptable outcome or resolution.

    Internal family disputes can involve issues related to raising children, relationships, contracts, property, finances, interpersonal conflicts, legal matters, and more. They may be resolved through counselling, mediation, negotiation, arbitration, or legal proceedings, depending on the nature and complexity of the dispute.

    Across cultures, societies, generations and communities, Family Structures can exhibit a significant degree of variation. Examples of family structures include nuclear, combined, extended, single-parent, step-family, divorced, childless, same-sex, foster, and grandparent arrangements. Intra family dynamics refers to the complex interactions, relationships, and patterns of behavior that occur within any particular family unit. These dynamics can involve various aspects such as communication styles, power structures, roles and responsibilities, money dynamics, conflict resolution methods, and emotional connections among family members. Fairness: The perception of fairness in family units is subjective and often results in conflicts if not openly and honestly discussed.

    Close relationships are often a source of profound joy and happiness. Unfortunately, even the most ideal of relationships involve  conflict, stress, and alienation.

    Dan works with you to untangle the complex networks of behavioural patterns, history, emotions, personal characteristics and expectations that are often at the cause of the disputes.

  • Family estrangement can occur for various reasons, including unresolved conflicts, differing values, or toxic behavior. Couple Estrangement is frequently accompanied by sorrow, loss, anger, and confusion. Some individuals may find it difficult to determine whether reconciliation or separation is the more beneficial course of action with regard to the relationship's future. Interpersonal Conflict: Disputes, stress, and anger can arise within families irrespective of their structure for reasons such as communication breakdowns, differing values, or financial control issues. Nuclear, Single-Parent, Extended, Same Sex, Childless, Step, Grandparent or Adopted Family Relationships should be based on mutual care and support, however conflicts and misunderstandings arise, leading to estrangement between individuals who were once close. Irrespective of the family structure, feelings of loss, sorrow, and loneliness may arise as a result of estrangement from any family member, whether chosen or biological.

    Family Estrangement is often a manifestation of underlying wounds and family disharmony. It is a delicate issue that involves navigation with empathy and skill. Dan offers you a safe space to explore emotions, confront challenges, attempt to understand wounds, and potentially heal estranged relationships. 

  • Guardianship of the Person is a legal arrangement in which the guardian is accountable for the personal care of the elderly individual, which includes the decision-making process regarding living arrangements, healthcare, and daily activities. Guardian of Financial Affairs is responsible for the financial affairs of the elderly individual, which encompasses handling income, managing assets, and paying expenses. The guardian of the Person and the guardian of Financial Affairs may or may not be the same individual. Each situation is unique, may be highly complicated and may depend on whether spouses, family members or any children have been are alive and involved in the elderly person's life. Elder Abuse is a distressing and unfortunately prevalent issue that involves harming or exploiting older adults. It can take various forms, including physical, emotional, sexual, or financial abuse, as well as neglect. End-of-life conversations while difficult, are vital for individuals nearing the end of their lives so that every effort can be made they receive care consistent with their values and preferences. As a guardian, learning how to care for yourself in such demanding circumstances is vital for maintaining positive physical and mental health.

    Dan’s insight into Elderly Guardianship assists in the comprehension and identification of practical solutions during emotionally charged circumstances including elders with various physical and psychological ailments such as the challenges of dementia.

  • Anxiety/Depression: Mid-life often brings about existential questions and transitions, which can contribute to mental health struggles such as anxiety and depression. Career Changes: Many individuals in midlife may reassess their career goals and aspirations. Some may feel unfulfilled in their current job or seek new challenges, while others may face age-related discrimination in the workplace. Mid-life is a common time for career shifts or reevaluation of one's lifestyle, which can cause stress and uncertainty. Caring for Aging Parents: Many individuals in mid-life find themselves in the "sandwich generation," simultaneously caring for aging parents while still supporting their own children. They may also find themselves dealing with parents who have dementia. Struggles: Mid-life often coincides with significant relationship changes and conflicting intergenerational dynamics. Some may experience marital issues or divorce, while others may struggle with empty nest syndrome as children leave home or disconnect.

    In the context of Mid-Life Challenges, Dan is committed to be a beacon of support for you, a trusted guide through life’s transitions, helping you redefine priorities and discover new paths forward.

  • Families can be ripped apart when promises about transferring businesses, property, and other financial interests are dealt with in court after lengthy and costly fights. Inheritance can be a complex and highly sensitive topic, often involving intricate legal, financial, and emotional considerations. Expectancy of an Inheritance: Amid the loss of a loved one, anticipation of receiving an inheritance can lead to conflicts and tensions within families, especially if there are differing expectations or perceptions of fairness. Inheritance Inequity: Actual or perceived unequal distribution of inheritance can exacerbate existing tensions and lead to feelings of resentment and betrayal among family members. Disputes among heirs, perceived or actual unequal distributions, complex asset and trust structures, debts, liabilities or executor complications seem more common than not. Given the Diversity of Family Structures, including nuclear families, same-sex families, extended and step families, lone-parent families, no child families, reconstituted families, and grandparent families, this can all become exceedingly complicated.

    Experienced in the interpersonal and Mental Health aspects of Inheritance Issues, Dan provides clarity, guidance and direction while you navigate the complexities of personalities, legacies, complex financial issues and familial expectations.

  • Money dynamics exist in every family and is one of the most sensitive topics in people's lives. Favouritism, rivalry and jealousy can manifest in any family structure, whether blended, nuclear, extended, step , single-parent, same sex or any other structure. These dynamics can be attributed to a range of factors, such as the interplay between siblings, parental attitudes, individual personalities or external influences. Family Dynamics and Conflict: Irrespective of the monetary value involved, parents financially helping children, money issues or wealth transfer have the potential to worsen pre-existing family dynamics and tensions. Disputes frequently arise regarding disparities in expectations, amounts gifted or borrowed and allocation of resources. These conflicts have the potential to severely impact mental well-being and may permanently sever familial bonds.

    Dan discusses the impacts of differing attitudes to money, the challenges associated with differing attitudes to money in families. He supports you through the navigation of the mental health challenges associated with the intricate and emotive processes of discussing money.

  • The Mental Health of a guardian/carer is an important often overlooked consideration. Taking on the responsibility of caring for another individual can have significant emotional and psychological impacts. Emotional Burden: Guardians of the elderly may experience feelings of guilt, anxiety, or depression related to the responsibility of making decisions for another person's well-being.  Social Isolation: Caregiving responsibilities can limit an elderly guardian's ability to socialise and maintain connections with friends and family, leading to feelings of isolation and loneliness. As a carer, learning how to care for yourself in such demanding circumstances is vital for maintaining positive physical and mental health.

    Dan offers you a safe space to explore your emotions, confront challenges and attempt to make sense of the many mixed emotions that may occur in a caring role which may or may not be a family member.

  • Grief is a normal reaction to loss, especially the death of a loved one. It includes a wide spectrum of emotional, physical, cognitive, and behavioural responses. Understanding grief's multidimensional character and using supportive measures may help people navigate this difficult life journey.
    Emotional reactions of grief may be: sadness, despair, anger, frustration, guilt, regret, anxiety and fear.
    Physical reactions of grief may be: fatigue, sleep disturbances, appetite changes, somatic symptoms.
    Cognitive reactions of grief may be: disbelief, denial, confusion, preoccupation.
    Behavioural reactions of grief may be: social withdrawal, changes in routine, searching.
    Grief counseling may be quite effective when dealing with the wide spectrum of grieving feelings. Dan can provide you skills and methods to help you mourn in your own manner and at your own pace while working through your emotions, thoughts, and behaviours. There is no timetable for grieving.

  • Historical Context: Many LGBTQIA+ individuals over 50 have lived through periods of significant social and legal discrimination, including the AIDS epidemic and the lack of legal recognition for same-sex relationships. Isolation and Loneliness: Older LGBTQIA+ individuals may face increased social isolation and loneliness, particularly if they have experienced historical rejection from family or community. Estrangement: LGBTQIA+ individuals may experience estrangement from family members due to their sexual orientation, gender identity, or differences in values. Older LGBTQIA+ adults may face Financial Challenges due to employment discrimination, lower lifetime earnings, and lack of family support. LGBTQIA + over 50's may be at increased risk of elder abuse, including financial exploitation, neglect, and mistreatment. Fear of Discrimination or lack of culturally competent care may prevent them from seeking help or reporting abuse.

    Dan’s personal commitment to assisting the LGBTQIA+ over 50's communities stems from an acute personal awareness of the difficulties that confront our communities.

“Empathy is at the heart of therapy: It is the ability to listen, understand and share in another person’s feelings.”

Dan provides a confidential environment for you to identify, define and clarify emotional issues while helping you process anger and confusion.

Proficient in a diverse array of counselling modalities, Dan’s approach is person centred, intuitive and flexible with strong emphasis on open dialogue.

Contemporary Integrative Counselling is a combined evidence based approach to psychotherapy that brings together different elements of specific therapies.

Dan has a particular interest in the Mental Health and Interpersonal challenges that are associated with:

Family Structures & Relationships. Family Estrangement Issues. Dynamics of Money within Families.

Intergenerational Wealth Transfer Issues. Inheritance Issues. Internal Family Disputes.

Caring for Others & related Issues. Elderly Guardianship Challenges. Grief & Loss.

Mid-Life Challenges. LGBTQIA+ .

He addresses a wide range of presenting issues such as Anger, Anxiety, Trauma, Depression, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) & other Mental Health issues.

Dan provides valuable insights, resources, and approaches to assist you in addressing the obstacles to long term emotional & mental well being.

He is available 1) Online via Zoom, or 2) In person at his rooms, or 3) At your home residence.

Pricing can be viewed through the “book appointment” link below.

Consultation Options:

  • 60 minute online live video link Electronic - Consultations via private and secure video link. Facilitated by Zoom or a comparable video conferencing application. Convenience, accessibility, long-distance support, flexibility, and supplementary communication opportunities are all benefits of online live video link Electronic -Counselling.

  • Face to Face Consultations take place in person at my rooms on St Kilda Road, Melbourne and are 60 minute duration. Personal, face to face counselling provides a secure and conducive environment that encourages open and uninhibited communication, free from concerns of interruption.

  • Home consultations at the client's place of residence. This is primarily for people who experience challenges with online video E-counselling, have travel/mobility restrictions or other confidential requirements or simply prefer to have the consultations at their home. Home consultations take place only via mutual agreement.

  • The initial 90 minute extended consultation is conducted face-to-face at the client's residence or other agreed upon location. The purpose of these extended consultations is to build rapport, collect comprehensive information about the client’s background and understand the reasoning for coming to counselling. Ongoing extended consultations of 90 minutes are at the discretion of the client and via any of the three consultation options of their choice.